Selasa, 21 Februari 2012

First time ever!!


for the first time ever, i publish this blog to write, record and remember my precious moments in this life..u can call me Maria (not a real name, hehehe)..this is my russian name that was given to me by my first russian teacher but since i'm a malaysian, of course  have another malay name but let keep it a silence for a while :).. i bet 1 day u will know it too,just be patience, ok ^_^...tgh further study in volgograd state medical university in general medicine and i'm struggling deadly in this  'excruciating' course..[kena study kuat la kn? nak sgt join course nie, ambik kau =.='] 
insyaALLAH, i can do it as long as i study, study and study sebab Allah SWT tgk usaha kita, bkan natijah atau hasil yang kita dapat tp at last, Allah SWT pasti akan bg ganjaran yg setimpal slps penat-lelah kita berusaha, betul x? so, no worry okey :) and jangan lupa tawakal..[sebenarnya tgh nasihat diri sendiri padahal disebbkan 'virus kurang rajin' tu tgh menyerang dan disebabkan penyakit tu jugak, tiba2 je wujud blog ntah ape-ape skrg nie, hahahahaha]